☆THE BEST BROGS -other class-☆
I think No.1 is this blog!!
I think No.2 is this blog!!
I think No.3 is this blog!!
Now I introduce The Best Brogs! I selected three blogs.
☆Best Blog☆
”Mickey&Minnie ”
I think this brog is the best one!!! Because, it is very colorful page and easy to read. And it has lots of information! My favorite information is "TAKEO KIKUTI". Because I like this bland.
"Momota Blog"
This blog is No.2. Because, It is very simple but simple is very good.I think. And lots of information, many phots and good links. My favorite information of this blog is "Day of dead...".
It's funny.
This blog is No.3. Because, I like this blogs color. And informations are nice. Good phots and good links. My favorite information is "La Tomatina". This picture is fun.
See ya!
NZ's Birds
- Penguins!!!
It is native bird. The height is 55 cm, the weight is 2.8 kg. It has small bill. Breed on the Antipodes, Auckland and Campbell Islands. This gold cockscomb is very cool.
Reference Site.⇒New Zealand Birs and Birding
- Wine Festival in France
According to a statistical report, France is the top wine producer in the world followed by Italy, Spain, the United States, Argentina and Australia, while the top wine exporter is Italy. This means France produces wine and consumes a lot domestically.
Wine is the oldest liquor. Archaeologists say that the earliest production of wine is started about 6,000 BC in middle east countries. The oldest known evidence of wine production in Europe is dated to 4,500 BC.
According to specialists, wine is good for health unless we drink excessively. Based on this good pretext.

- Movie of Metal Music
- Sometimes diet makes you bad!
Today, many many girls and women wants to more slim body.
So, they are trying to diet. I think trying diet is good mind. But you should take care!Because, if you trying diet wrong way, you must be breaking your body.First, prease watch this link.→"Balance of diet and health"
Acording to this site, Dieting that makes only weight reduction a purpose accompanies the profound danger. News of women's who were selling the beauty of the body like the model etc. Having done an excessive dieting by having done dieting excessive more than the necessity and dying was reported. The model to diet a social phenomenon in foreign countries as coming out of the dieting ban and the prohibition of participation to the fashion show, etc.
So, if you want to slim, you should thinking your body and you don't do impossibility.
- Good diet (think your body)
If you want to do good diet, you should understand yourselfe. And check this site "Diet Navi". This site is good for doing diet guys. Because you can checking your life-style, you can read Dictionary of Calorie, and so on. This site is very useful for diet. If you want to exersise, you should check this site. You can get how to good exersise.
Laughing is very good for people health. Because, Laughing or something stupid thing can say goodbye to bad thing. It is good benefits of laughter, I think. And laughing can change around winds.
First, we should know what is "LAUGH"
I introduce funny news.
A robber came to convenience store and he required some money.
But a clerk who is 55 years old was refusal. And said “I’m a part-time worker”
First time he said small voice, but second time he said very loud voice with ridding the counter.
Now please watch it!
"I'm a part-time worker!!!!!"
Why it’s funny? I love second times voice and a robber was surprised and he got away. It is very funny isn’t it?