- Movie of Metal Music
I'm going to talk about movie” A Metal Headbanger's Jorney” This movie genre is documentary.This movie by Headbangers for Headbangers! A main character is Sam Dunn who is a anthropologist and a long life metal fan. His mission : to try and figure out why metal music is consistently stereotyped, dismissed and condemned, even while the tribe that loves it stubbornly holds its ground spreading the world, keeping the faith, and adopting the styles and attitudes that go way beyond the music. So he’ll go to many country and city (L.A.’s sunset strip, the dirty streets of Birmingham, the dark forests of Norway and more) to find the answer. He try interview to many metal artists. So many many metal artists and bands appearance in this movie! For example Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Twisted Sister, Slayer, Alice Cooper, SlipKnot, Rob Zombie, Motley Crue, Dio, Motor head and more artist and HeadBangers! This is a movie from which the metal fan is terribly excited because it takes it. Oh, I have a good news here. The thing that the sequel does has been decided. It’s called “GLOBAL METAL”. This movie introduced new sounds! Many artist appearance, too.
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